Get 30% off Residential and 35% off Mobile & Shared DC proxies
102M+ IPs covering 195 countries worldwide
Residential and Mobile proxies support SOCKS5/HTTP/HTTPS protocols
Pay as you go, flexible top-up option, without commitment
Residential Proxies
Get access to 102M+ residential IPs sourced globally.
Ethically sourced proxies from 195 countries
Up to 30 minutes sticky session
Promo code: PRXY30
Mobile Proxies
Harness the power of IP addresses from real mobile devices.
20M+ mobile IPs from 140+ countries
3G/4G/5G mobile proxies
Fewer IP blocks and CAPTCHAs
Promo code: ADS65
Shared Datacenter Proxies
Cost-effective and capable proxies with access to a 29,000 shared proxy pool.
Instant access to a 29,000 proxy pool
15 geo-locations in the US, Europe and Asia
Cost-effective proxies with sticky sessions
Promo code: ADS65
Up to 30% off deal for the first month is available for Oxylabs new users only. Hurry up register and buy through our self-checkout. All you need to know about the offer:
Valid to new customers only.
Code PRXY30 is valid for Residential Proxy Regular monthly plans on self-checkout.
Code ADS65 is valid for Mobile and Shared Datacenter Proxy all Regular plans on self-checkout.
Fill in the promo code on the checkout page to get your discount.
The discount will be applied for the first month.
Choose Residential Proxies from a pool of 100M+ IPs covering 195 countries. Get access to Mobile Proxy pool of 20M+ IPs from 140+ countries. Easily overcome geo-targeting blocks. Check our documentation for more IP locations.
10,353,360 IPs
6,785,969 IPs
5,280,618 IPs
4,114,711 IPs
3,901,368 IPs
1,868,205 IPs
AdsPower is a multi-login browser management tool suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. It does not provide proxies by itself, but combining it with reliable residential proxies, you won’t need to deal with browser fingerprinting geo-restricted content or other issues anymore.
To set up Oxylabs Residential Proxies, follow these steps: