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Proxy Integration With Hidemyacc

In Hidemyacc, you can add Oxylabs Residential and Datacenter Proxies to browser profiles to mask your IP and access geo-restricted content, boosting the anti-detection measures even further.

Hidemyacc Proxy Integration Tutorial

What is Hidemyacc?

Hidemyacc is an antidetect browser that prevents websites from tracking or identifying users based on their browser fingerprints.

With Hidemyacc, you can configure multiple browser profiles, each with a unique identity to cover your online persona. Hidemyacc facilitates many uses, including:

  • Digital marketing

  • Web scraping

  • Social media

  • E-Commerce

In addition to multi-accounting and browser fingerprinting, Hidemyacc provides web automation. It lets you record mouse movement and typing to be saved and repeated automatically. You can also create web interaction action chains with a visual editor in a drag-and-drop format.

Getting started

Download the Hidemyacc app, create an account, and log in. You can use a 7-day trial for free.

How to set up proxies with Hidemyacc?

  1. Upon launching the app, select +Create a new profile.

Creating a new browser profile

Creating a new browser profile

2. Configure your browser profile, including Proxy settings. Here, you can customize all of your fingerprinting options.

Configuring a browser profile

Configuring a browser profile

Configuring a browser profile

Configuring a browser profile

3. Under Proxy, choose Your Proxy.

Choosing custom proxy settings

Choosing custom proxy settings

4. Add the following details for Oxylabs proxies.

NOTE: You can also add proxies using this format:


Residential Proxies

Type: HTTP or SOCKS5


Port: 7777

You can also use country-specific entries. For example, entering under Host and 30000 under Port will acquire a Canadian exit node. Check our documentation for a complete list of country-specific entry nodes or if you need a sticky session.

Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Specify the following if you purchased Dedicated Datacenter Proxies via sales.

Type: HTTP or SOCKS5

Host: (a specific IP address)

Port: 60000

For Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, you’ll have to choose an IP address from the acquired list.

Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Specify the following if you purchased Dedicated Datacenter Proxies via the dashboard.

Type: HTTP or SOCKS5


Port: 8001

For Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, the port indicates the sequential number of an IP address from the acquired list.

Datacenter Proxies



Port: 8001

In the pay-per-IP subscription model, each port number corresponds sequentially to an IP address from your list. For example, port 8001 will use the first IP address. For further information, please check our documentation.

With the pay-per-traffic subscription, port 8001 will select a random IP address but will remain consistent for the session. To specify the proxy's location, for instance the United States location, use the user authentication string like this: user-USERNAME-country-US:PASSWORD. Refer to our documentation for more information.

ISP Proxies



Port: 8001

Configuring Residential Proxies

Configuring Residential Proxies

5. Enter your Oxylabs proxy user’s credentials. Use the same username and password you entered to create a new proxy user in the Oxylabs dashboard.

6. To confirm functionality, select Check Proxy and see the location details.

Testing a proxy

Testing a proxy

Optionally, you can import proxies in bulk using Proxy Manager. Here, you can add proxy lists without first creating a browser profile. Set up proxies and then add or remove them from your browser profiles.

Managing proxies in bulk

Managing proxies in bulk

7. Lastly, press Create and then Run the newly created browser profile.

Launching a new browser profile

Launching a new browser profile

The browser will initially open an IP checker website. Here, you can check your proxy effectiveness once more.

Confirming proxy connectivity

Confirming proxy connectivity

Now, you can automate web interactions and manage multiple accounts using a single application in complete anonymity.

Final word

We're happy to assist you in configuring our proxies for any application or operating system you may use. Explore our proxy integrations for detailed tutorials, and feel free to reach out to us via email at or the live chat option on your right.

Please be aware that this is a third-party tool not owned or controlled by Oxylabs. Each third-party provider is responsible for its own software and services. Consequently, Oxylabs will have no liability or responsibility to you regarding those services. Please carefully review the third party's policies and practices and/or conduct due diligence before accessing or using third-party services.

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