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Cambodia proxies

16,312 IPs

Use our Cambodian Datacenter Proxies or genuine Residential IP addresses to visit and collect public information from any website. Access any website you choose anonymously and without any limitations.

Residential Proxies

Large pool of Cambodia proxy IPs

With the help of a vast pool of Cambodian IPs, carry out even the most complex public data gathering tasks. Up to 99.95% success rate will let you experience seamless workflow whenever you carry out your web scraping projects. Our vast proxy pool allows you to access public data all over Cambodia, with options for precise local data gathering needs and localization testing on a city level in regions such as Phnom Penh, and more.

Reliable infrastructure

Your web scraping needs are addressed fast and with high uptime, thanks to Oxylabs' trustworthy infrastructure

Ethically sourced proxies

Our professional team ensures that proxies are of premium quality and obtained from legal resources

Datacenter Proxies

Dedicated Cambodia proxy servers

Using Oxylabs' Cambodia Datacenter Proxies has several benefits, including the capacity to support a limitless number of concurrent sessions and extremely stable servers. With the help of Cambodia proxy servers, you can perform brand protection, cybersecurity, and market research activities hassle-free. With more than 16K reliable Cambodian proxies, you can efficiently complete the most challenging web scraping activities.

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

  • Avg. 99.9% uptime

  • Cost-efficient solution

Fast proxies

Fast premium Cambodia proxies

Leverage our robust Cambodia proxy network to improve the efficacy of your public data extraction operations. Choose from more than 16K lightning-fast proxies. Our professional team constantly monitors the health of our proxies, so you will always get high-quality resources for your web scraping activities. 

  • Stable Infrastructure

  • Constantly monitored proxy pool

  • Excellent performance

Oxylabs’ Proxies in Cambodia

Datacenter Proxies

Collect public data from almost any Cambodian website, including the most popular search engines and e-commerce sites.

  • HIgh performance with up to 99.9% uptime

  • Effortless integration 

  • Limitless targeting with unlimited bandwidth

Residential Proxies

Utilize our Cambodia-based Residential Proxies to accurately simulate steady organic traffic when scraping.

  • Bypass IP bans and bothersome CAPTCHAs

  • Scale up your web scraping projects

  • Acquire large volumes of publicly available data

Additional benefits

24/7 live support

We provide 24-hour, expert customer service every day of the week

Track your usage statistics

Access an easy-to-use dashboard to help you manage your proxies directly

Protocols support

Universal protocols support

Oxylabs’ Cambodia proxies support SOCKS5HTTP, and HTTPS protocols

Additional benefits

Entire Cambodia coverage

Obtain city-level public data with Oxylabs' Cambodia-based Residential Proxies

Rapidly expanding proxy pool

Access an ever-growing proxy pool which already boasts 16K IPs

Mitigate CAPTCHAs and IP bans

Concentrate on your public data extraction by getting rid of IP bans and CAPTCHAs

Why you should choose Oxylabs’ Cambodia proxies

Simple Cambodia proxy integration

Use a straightforward integration procedure to quickly connect third-party applications like scrapers, browsers, and APIs with Oxylabs' Cambodian proxies. For a seamless integration process, you can use our developer-friendly documentation and Oxylabs’ GitHub repository.

Increased scalability

Increased Cambodian proxy scalability

Using the Cambodia-based IP addresses, you can easily expand your data collection activities. You can quickly go on to the next stage of website browsing, obtain the required public data, and avoid anti-scraping detection while using our premium proxy servers.

Rapidly growing pool

Rapidly growing Cambodia proxy pool

One of Oxylabs' primary focuses is continually improving our resources to include new protocol types such as SOCKS5 to provide our clients with various web scraping solutions. As such, our proxy pools constantly expand to meet the demands of even the most challenging scraping tasks.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is web scraping legal in Cambodia?

There's no simple answer to this question because it depends on whether the scraping does not breach any laws surrounding the required data. If you're uncertain of the regulations governing your access to certain public data, Oxylabs suggests seeking professional legal advice.

You can also check out our blog post on this topic to better understand the legalities of web scraping.

Should I use free Cambodia proxies?

The disadvantages of employing a free proxy outweigh the benefits. Free proxies are often associated with operational problems and slow speeds. You also risk losing personal information due to their numerous security issues. 

Reputable proxy services like Oxylabs provide ethically sourced proxy pools to ensure your anonymity and privacy whenever you execute any task. Only paid services are primed to aid your tasks every step of the way.