

indexing scraping website from zero to sitemap

Indexing: Scraping Website from Zero to Sitemap

Web scraping for developers, live presentation
25 August, 12:50PM BST, 40min

Companies that work with large amounts of data know well that the first step before gathering public information is finding out what exact data they need. And this step is as important as getting the final data itself. 

In this session, Eivydas Vilčinskas, Senior Software Engineer at Oxylabs, will introduce why and how companies can use website indexing for their data acquisition needs. After this session, you will be able to categorize your data findings with the concepts that will be presented during the talk. 

Join this session, if you:

  • Are looking to find out what web pages to scrape

  • Have a lot of links but do not know how to categorize them

  • Want to learn more about large-scale scraping workflows

Please note: The views expressed by speakers or moderators are those of the speaker or moderators and not, necessarily, of Oxylabs or other respective organizations. Before engaging in scraping activities of any kind, you should consult your legal advisors.

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Meet the speaker

Eivydas Vilčinskas, Senior Software Engineer at Oxylabs

Eivydas has worked at Oxylabs as a Software Engineer for over four years. Ever since joining the company, he worked on a scraping project that grew from inception to becoming one of the most successful products at Oxylabs. By helping develop the project and its infrastructure from scratch, Eivydas gathered valuable experience and became one of the core pillars of the team. Eivydas was one of the speakers at OxyCon 2019, where he led a session called Scraping the Web With 100% Success Rate. He is excited to step on the OxyCon stage again.