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How To Set up FoxyProxy with Oxylabs Proxies

FoxyProxy is a third-party extension that enables configuring proxies directly for Chrome, Firefox, and other Chromium-based browsers. Let’s take a look at how to configure and access proxy servers using FoxyProxy with Oxylabs Residential and Datacenter Proxies.

FoxyProxy integration with Oxylabs Residential and Datacenter Proxies

Set up FoxyProxy on Google Chrome

Unlike Firefox, Chrome doesn’t offer even basic proxy server configuration features in its settings, instead sending users to system-level settings. It does seem rather lazy at first, but then again, maybe they have a secret deal with FoxyProxy. Finally, it’s time to configure the FoxyProxy extension on Chrome:

Adding a new proxy configuration on Chrome

Adding a new proxy configuration on Chrome

1. After installing the extension, click on its icon in the menu and select Options.

Opening the options menu

2. In the Options window, click the Add New Proxy button located on the right sidebar to open proxy settings.

Opening proxy configuration settings

3. In the newly opened Proxy Details window, choose Manual Proxy Configuration and fill in the proxy settings and your account information.

To use Oxylabs proxies, enter your Oxylabs proxy user’s Username and Password. Use the same credentials you typed in when creating a new proxy user in the Oxylabs dashboard. If you have whitelisted IPs, you do not need to pass login credentials.

Residential Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 7777

You can also use country-specific entries to acquire a desired country exit node with a sticky session. For example, to use a US exit node, enter next to Host or IP Address and 10001 next to Port. You can find a complete list of country-specific entry nodes in our documentation.

Configuring Oxylabs Residential Proxies

Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP or SOCKS5

Proxy host: a specific IP address (e.g.,

Proxy port: 60000

For Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, you’ll have to choose an IP address from the acquired list. Visit our documentation for more details.

Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 8001

For Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, the port indicates the sequential number of an IP address from the acquired list. Check our documentation for more details.

Shared Datacenter Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 10000

Here, you can also use country-specific entries. For instance, if you enter next to Host or IP Address and 32000 next to Port, you’ll acquire a Mexican exit node. For a full list of country-specific entry nodes, please refer to our documentation.

ISP Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 8001

4. Click Save to save your proxy server profile. To activate a proxy server, click on the FoxyProxy extension icon and then click again on your proxy profile from the drop-down menu.

Activating the proxy server for all URLs

That’s it. To find out if everything is working properly, you can check if your IP has changed by visiting

Set up FoxyProxy on Mozilla Firefox

Unlike Chrome, Firefox offers its users the ability to configure proxies out of the box. It even has some automation and customization features. Despite this difference, the process of setting up FoxyProxy on Firefox is almost the same as on Chrome.

Adding a new proxy configuration on Firefox

Adding a new proxy configuration on Firefox

1. After installing the FoxyProxy extension, click on its icon in the menu and choose Options.

Opening the options menu

2. In the Options window, click the Add button located on the left to open proxy settings.

Opening proxy configuration settings

3. In the new window, fill in the proxy details and your account information.

To use Oxylabs proxies, enter your Oxylabs proxy user’s Username and Password. Use the same credentials you typed in when creating a new proxy user in the Oxylabs dashboard. If you have whitelisted IPs, you do not need to pass login details.

Residential Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 7777

You can also use country-specific entries. For instance, to use a US exit node, enter under Proxy IP address or DNS name and 10001 under Port. This way, you will acquire a desired country exit node with a sticky session. You can find a complete list of country-specific entry nodes in our documentation.

Configuring Oxylabs Residential Proxies

Datacenter Proxies

Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Specify the following if you purchased Dedicated Datacenter Proxies via sales.

Proxy type: HTTP or SOCKS5

Proxy host: a specific IP address

Proxy port: 60000

For Enterprise Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, you’ll have to choose an IP address from the acquired list. Visit our documentation for more details.

Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Specify the following if you purchased Dedicated Datacenter Proxies via the dashboard.

Proxy type: HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 8001

For Self-Service Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, the port indicates the sequential number of an IP address from the acquired list. Check our documentation for more details.

Shared Datacenter Proxies

Proxy type: HTTP

Proxy host:

Proxy port: 10000

With Shared Datacenter Proxies, you can also use country-specific entries. For example, if you enter under Proxy IP address or DNS name and 32000 under Port, you will acquire a Mexican exit node. For a full list of country-specific entry nodes, please refer to our documentation.

4. After saving, click on the FoxyProxy extension icon and choose your proxy profile from the drop-down menu.

Activating the proxy server

Now if you wish to find out if your internet traffic is now routed through a proxy, check if your IP has changed at, or you can click on the What’s My IP? button in the extension’s menu.

Wrapping up

FoxyProxy is a great example of a browser extension that goes above and beyond to deliver useful features, no matter how niche they might be. So whether it’s Chrome or Firefox that you prefer, you now have all the knowledge needed to start working with FoxyProxy.

In case you want to try an alternative to FoxyProxy, check out our integration tutorial with SwitchyOmega.

If you have any questions or need support, you can always reach us via the 24/7 live chat or email.

Please be aware that this is a third-party tool not owned or controlled by Oxylabs. Each third-party provider is responsible for its own software and services. Consequently, Oxylabs will have no liability or responsibility to you regarding those services. Please carefully review the third party's policies and practices and/or conduct due diligence before accessing or using third-party services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is FoxyProxy?

FoxyProxy is a browser extension that offers powerful proxy configuration functionality for Chrome, Firefox, and other Chromium-based browsers like Opera, Edge, and Vivaldi. It simplifies configuring proxies on a browser and also provides features such as auto-switching, online rule lists, event handling, and more.

What benefits does FoxyProxy offer?

With its advanced features, FoxyProxy allows using proxies with greater flexibility. It means that in addition to the better-known benefits offered by proxies alone, such as IP masking or bypassing geo-restrictions, FoxyProxy lets customers create rules and patterns that automatically switch FoxyProxy server list based on URL type. In other words, it makes it possible to automatically use specific proxies for specific websites, among its other features.

What should you know when using FoxyProxy?

The belief that using proxies makes one completely anonymous and untraceable online is still relatively popular, yet it is less accurate today than ever before. Going further than just tracking IP addresses and using HTTP cookies, modern online tracking techniques are becoming increasingly more sophisticated and reliable. If it sounds interesting, we recommend reading our blog post on browser fingerprinting, a powerful online tracking method that is growing in popularity.

Is FoxyProxy safe?

Yes, FoxyProxy is safe to use. There have not been any reported security or fraud incidents. The company was established as far back as 2006, and since then, it has grown in popularity and quantity of services. They take transparency seriously; therefore you can find more about the team behind FoxyProxy on their website. Additionally, there are countless reviews online that help understand the safety of FoxyProxy.

As in any case, it is always best to do individual research and trust your own judgment.

What is the difference between FoxyProxy Basic and Standard?

Both FoxyProxy versions are free and offer essentially the same features. The only difference is that the FoxyProxy Standard version has a URL Patterns function.

Instead of using proxies on all target domains, the URL Patterns function allows you to specify which websites should be accessed with the proxy by whitelisting or blacklisting the desired domains. This setting uses regular expressions, which is extremely useful when, for example, you do not want to use proxies to access specific web pages on a site or vice versa.

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