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Oxylabs Announces Partnership With CoronaMapper

Julius Cerniauskas

2020-04-012 min read

Oxylabs continues to reach out to universities and research institutions in its goal to support projects that provide much-needed information during this period of uncertainty. After announcing a collaboration with TrackCorona last week, today we are delighted to announce a new partnership with CoronaMapper.

Since these types of projects require immense and immediate resources, both technological and financial, cooperation among businesses, governments, and institutions is today more important than ever. Oxylabs considers it to be its duty to join the global struggle against the disease, helping to kick-start and maintain projects such as CoronaMapper. 

What is CoronaMapper? 

CoronaMapper, a project led by student Paolo Montemurro and researcher Peter H. Gruber from the University of Lugano, helps people from all over the world to keep an eye on the spread of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike many other interactive maps and dashboards, CoronaMapper focuses on the pandemic’s spread during just the last four days, making it possible to more accurately grasp the latest developments at just a glance. 

“I would like to thank Oxylabs for supporting the CoronaMapper project and spreading the word. As data is at the core of every empiric research, I am looking forward to leveraging the useful technology that Oxylabs offers.”

– Peter H. Gruber

Aside from global data, CoronaMapper also provides detailed maps of Italy and Switzerland, allowing locals to see crucial and up-to-date information on the impact of COVID-19 in their specific region.

According to the project’s authors, the website currently receives more than a thousand visitors each day, most of them from Italy, Switzerland, and the US, with the number growing each day. 

“Reliable, consistent, and up-to-date data makes CoronaMapper one of the most accurate and complete visualizations of the virus online. Thanks to the partnership with Oxylabs, CoronaMapper will surely benefit in terms of technology and stability.”

– Paolo Montemurro

Our invitation to all researchers

As global leaders in data delivery solutions, we would like to once again repeat our call for universities and other institutions working on projects related to COVID-19 to contact us at We are more than ready to support research and educational initiatives by providing proxies and other data delivery solutions that could help start, scale, or maintain your project for free. Just drop us a line, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

About the author

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Julius Cerniauskas


Julius Černiauskas is Lithuania’s technology industry leader & the CEO of Oxylabs, a top global provider of premium proxies and web scraping solutions, employing over 400 specialists. Julius covers topics on web scraping, big data, machine learning, tech trends & business leadership.

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