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Oxylabs Partnership With CoronaMapper: Another Success Story

Jurgita Tuzikaite
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Jurgita Tuzikaite
Mobilized global effort to tackle the current health crisis has led to many successful business partnerships aimed at providing innovative solutions and tools to deal with unexpected circumstances, which are interrupting the universal status quo. Oxylabs partnership with Coronamapper is no exception!
“Providing value to individuals and societies at large is at the core of Oxylabs business practices. We prioritize and will continue to prioritize contributing to the ongoing efforts to support the institutions and academia, which dedicate themselves to the service of others.”
Julius Cerniauskas, CEO of Oxylabs
CoronaMapper is an interactive platform allowing everyone to gain a well-rounded understanding of the spread of the virus. This tool provides profound insights into each country individually by focusing on the statistics of confirmed, ongoing, and resolved cases, for the last 4 days. It has been especially useful for Italian and Swiss communities, providing potentially life-saving information on these two countries on a regional level.
Since the beginning of the collaboration, we were pleased to see the CoronaMapper to take a positive turn, rapidly evolving, upgrading visualizations, and providing additional functions. Their latest development of the additional analytics tool gives freedom to everyone with the internet access to dig deeper and perform their own COVID19 analysis using the data available on the dashboard.
The simplicity of use, uniqueness of the statistics of the tool is reflected in its popularity attracting over 40 000 views per month with 25 000 active users.
CoronaMapper provides an in-depth analysis of Italy and Switzerland on the regional level, measuring infected, dead, cured, and confirmed cases and the progression of the past 4 days.
“Now that the debate about the appropriateness of the lockdown measures has started in Europe, it is worthwhile to put ourselves into the politicians’ shoes as of the beginning of March. The unique timeline animation feature of CoronaMapper allows everyone to see the unfolding of the pandemic in February and March, with frightening infection rates and increasing death tolls.”
Peter Gruber, one of the CoronaMapper creators
The news about the Coronamapper are spreading like wildfire gaining traction on the wide web, including such prominent platforms as Towards Data Science naming it one of the best resources to tackle COVID-19. And its reach doesn’t stop there. Coronamapper tool has received interest from the academic community as well. It is being used as a part of educational projects explaining the importance of data visualization for public understanding of the pandemic. We are excited to see that this trend is foreseen to continue in the future.
As we are now the largest proxy providers in the world and data delivery leaders, we seek to continue helping universities and other institutions. Everyone must play a part in the fight against COVID-19. Oxylabs is ready to support ongoing research about the novel coronavirus by providing proxies or any other tools that might prove to be of use. If you or anyone you know requires help on any coronavirus related research project, feel free to drop us a line at
About the author
Jurgita Tuzikaite
Former Communications Specialist
Jurgita Tuzikaite is a former Communications Specialist at Oxylabs. Her inspiration for original ideas comes from observing nature and exploring unknown paths, which often lead to unexpected adventures. Jurgita’s background in humanitarian work has formed her work ethic and moral compass, which resulted in placing positive intention behind everything she does. She values wisdom and places importance on bringing value to other people through knowledge, creativity, and compassion.
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Vytenis Kaubrė
Vytenis Kaubrė
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