

opening session

OxyCon Opening Session

Opening of OxyCon
25 August, 12:00PM BST, 10min

Welcome to OxyCon! We're excited to open this long-waited two-day virtual event. During the opening session, Julius Černiauskas, Oxylabs CEO, will tell you why we're hosting this event, and introduce you to the moderators of OxyCon 2021: Gabija Fatėnaitė, Product Marketing Manager, and Vaidotas Šedys, Head of Risk Management at Oxylabs.

The moderators will guide you through the event and make sure you get a chance to have your questions answered by the speakers.

Please note: The views expressed by speakers or moderators are those of the speaker or moderators and not, necessarily, of Oxylabs or other respective organizations. Before engaging in scraping activities of any kind, you should consult your legal advisors.

Keep up with the future of web scraping

Speakers at OxyCon opening session

Julius Černiauskas

CEO at Oxylabs
Julius has transformed a bare business idea of Oxylabs to the tech giant, by implementing a brand new leadership company structure, taking product and service technology to the next level, and securing long-term partnerships with dozens of Fortune 500 companies.

Gabija Fatėnaitė

Product Marketing Manager at Oxylabs
Gabija is an experienced product marketer, who closely follows industry trends and keeps up with the market news to ensure that our product communication is clear and easily accessible to everyone.

Vaidotas Šedys

Head of Risk Management at Oxylabs

While successfully safeguarding the most risk-vulnerable areas of business operations at Oxylabs, Vaidotas has gathered extensive knowledge of the highest ethical standards for the web scraping industry.