Freenet proxies are powerful tools that provide anonymous internet access, safeguarding your privacy. With Freenet proxies, you can explore the digital world securely, ensuring your online activities remain confidential and untraceable. Experience the freedom of unrestricted internet access with Freenet proxies, your shield in the digital realm.
Residential Proxies are real IP addresses provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The IPs are procured from various sources adhering to the highest ethical standards; in turn, requests coming from Residential Proxies stand out for their legitimacy.
Residential Proxies
Free TrialHuman-like scraping without IP blocking
Best for: ad verification, load testing, review monitoring.
Pay as you go
Mobile Proxies
Free TrialIP addresses from genuine mobile devices
Best for: ad verification, review monitoring.
Pay as you go
ISP Proxies
Free TrialBypass tough targets with trusted ASNs
Best for: the most challenging scraping targets.
Datacenter Proxies aren’t associated with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). They originate from data centers and are among the fastest proxies, great for quick response time tasks.
Dedicated Datacenter Proxies
Free TrialThe highest-performing proxies on the market
Best for: market research, cybersecurity, brand protection, email protection.
Datacenter Proxies
Free TrialFast and reliable proxies for cost-efficient scraping
Best for: price monitoring, review monitoring, market research.
SOCKS5 Proxies
Free TrialA proxy server type operating over the TCP/UDP internet protocols
Best for: traffic-intensive scraping via UDP connection, video streaming, and live calls.
Pay as you go
Private Proxy Servers
The most extensive selection of private proxy servers
99.9% uptime
2M+ proxy pool
No limitations on bandwidth and concurrent sessions
Residential and Datacenter
HTTP(S) Proxies
Residential and Datacenter Proxies available via the HTTP(S) connection
Data extraction via HTTP(S) connection
102M+ IPs proxy pool
City-level targeting
Residential and Datacenter
Paid Premium Proxy Servers
Enjoy high proxy uptime, stability, and exceptional speeds.
Tier A+ ethical proxies
Unlimited bandwidth
195 locations
99.9% uptime
Freenet is a leading telecommunications brand, offering superior connectivity solutions. Known for its reliable services, it ensures seamless communication, keeping you connected with the world.
Freenet proxies are used in data scraping and online privacy to anonymize user activity and bypass restrictions. They work by routing internet traffic through a network of servers, masking the user's IP address and making their online actions untraceable. This is particularly useful in data scraping as it prevents websites from blocking the scraper's IP. It also enhances online privacy by protecting user data from potential surveillance or cyber threats.
Proxy Carrier | Link |
Vodafone | Vodafone Proxies |
Virgin Media | Virgin Media Proxies |
Turk Telekom | Turk Telekom Proxies |
T-Mobile | T-Mobile Proxies |
Spectrum | Spectrum Proxies |
EarthLink | EarthLink Proxies |
Deutsche Telekom | Deutsche Telekom Proxies |
Comcast | Comcast Proxies |
Cogent Communications | Cogent Communications Proxies |
AT&T | AT&T Proxies |
TPG Telecom | TPG Telecom Proxies |
OVH | OVH Proxies |
Orange | Orange Proxies |
Freenet | Freenet Proxies |
Airtel | Airtel Proxies |
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