Causes of Etsy 429 error

Etsy will issue the 429 Too Many Requests error if a user passes too many requests over a short period of time. Websites often impose rate limits to ensure their resources are not overburdened or prevent security breaches such as brute-force login attempts.


How to fix Etsy 429 error

Use proxies

One of the most effective and best-known ways to prevent the 429 status code is to distribute your requests among different IPs. To do that, you can implement rotating proxies. Each proxy server will have a different IP, and you'll ensure that Etsy perceives each request as originating from a different user.

Simulate human-like browsing

Suspicious HTTP headers can often give away whether a user is organic or not. To simulate human-like traffic and ensure Etsy sees you as an organic visitor, rotate your headers frequently.

Throttle your scraper

You can try throttling your scraping tool to implement a reasonable scraping frequency and avoid the Etsy 429 error. This will also ensure you don’t violate the website’s rules or overburden its resources.

An easier solution to 429 errors

If you want to simplify data collection from Etsy, consider Etsy Scraper API. It's an all-in-one scraping solution that prevents blocks and offers a maintenance-free web data gathering infrastructure.

Proxy management

ML-driven proxy selection and rotation with a premium proxy pool from 195 countries.

Custom parameters

Take control of your scraping with custom headers and cookies. No additional fees are included.

AI-powered fingerprinting

Selects optimal IP addresses, cookies, headers, and WebRTC properties to overcome anti-bot systems.

Automatic retries

Automatic retries with different scraping parameters to overcome failed requests and retrieve data successfully.

Headless Browser

Tackle tricky websites with a single line of code, execute browser actions, and retrieve accurate data.

Custom Parser

Set your own parsing logic with XPath and CSS selectors for structured data collection.

Web Crawler

Crawl only the most useful content from your target sites and retrieve data in bulk.


Automate repeating scraping tasks at your preferred frequency and get data in AWS S3 or GCS.

Try Etsy Scraper API for 1 week

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