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Web Scraper API Quick Start Guide

Web Scraper API Quick Start Guide

Augustas Pelakauskas

2024-09-254 min read

Web Scraper API is an all-in-one web data collection platform equipped with AI-powered features and designed to meet all your needs. It addresses every aspect of web scraping, from crawling URLs and bypassing anti-scraping measures to precise data parsing and delivery to your preferred cloud storage. You can extract public data from search engines, e-commerce sites, travel platforms, and any website with exceptional efficiency and simplicity.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to start using Web Scraper API and send a first query.

Setting up Web Scraper API

1. Register or log in to the dashboard if you already have an account.

2. After selecting a free trial or a subscription plan, a pop-up window will appear, asking to create an API user. Think of a username and password and create an API user. Store them in a safe and easily accessible location, as they’re crucial for user authentication in all scraping tasks.

3. You'll see a pop-up with three tabs for Amazon, Google, and Other websites, each containing a cURL test query. To test, copy the provided code to your terminal, Postman, or any other setup, insert your API user credentials, and run the query. Here’s the code using the universal source for scraping

cURL code sample for testing

A test query

You can use the following queries with different sources and some additional parameters for testing:


curl '' --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"source": "amazon_product", "query": "B07FZ8S74R", "geo_location": "90210", "parse": true}'


curl '' --user 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"source": "google_search", "query": "adidas", "geo_location": "California,United States", "parse": true}'


curl '' --user 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"source": "universal", "url": ""}'

The response output will include results and job information. For reference, take a look at these full output examples for Amazon, Google, and Universal.

For a visual representation of how to set up and manually test Web Scraper API, check the video below.

You can also check how Web Scraper API works in our Scraper APIs Playground, which is accessible via the dashboard.

Integration methods

The examples above implement the Realtime integration method. With Realtime, you can send your request and receive data back on the same open HTTPS connection straight away.

You can integrate Web Scraper API using one of the three methods:

  1. Realtime

  2. Push-Pull

  3. Proxy Endpoint

Read more about integration methods and how to choose one here. In essence, here are the main differences.

Push-Pull Realtime Proxy Endpoint
Type Asynchronous Synchronous Synchronous
Job query format JSON JSON URL
Job status check Yes No No
Batch query Yes No No
Upload to storage Yes No No

The Batch Query method allows you to submit up to 5,000 query or url parameter values within a single batch request. For full examples of Push-Pull and Proxy Endpoint integration methods, please see our GitHub and documentation.

Dedicated scrapers

Web Scraper API comes with dedicated scrapers designed to target specific search engines, e-commerce marketplaces, and their page types. Here's a table showing all available dedicated scrapers:

Domain Sources
Google google
Bing bing
Amazon amazon
Other websites universal

Dedicated parsers

For some sources, we’ve developed dedicated parsers that extract specific data points. To get structured results, use the parse parameter and set it to true in your requests to the API. See the table below for more details:

Target Sources Page types
Amazon amazon
Offer listing
Questions and answers
Best sellers
Google google
Web search
Images search
News search
Reverse image search
Lens search pages
Shopping search
Shopping product
Shopping offer listing
Bing bing
Walmart universal Search
Best Buy universal Product
Etsy universal Product
Target universal Search


Below are the main query parameters. For more details and additional parameters, such as handling specific context types, visit our documentation.

Parameter Description
source Sets the scraper to process your request.
url Direct URL (link) to the target page.
query Depending on the target you want to scrape, accepts a UTF-encoded search keyword, Amazon ASIN number, or Google Shopping product code.
parse Returns parsed data when set to true.
The default value is false.
geo_location For Google, it localizes SERP results. For Amazon, it picks the “deliver to” location. For all other targets, it picks the location of a proxy server for scraping.
render Enables JavaScript rendering when set to html. Another available value is png, which returns a Base64-encoded screenshot of the rendered page.
user_agent_type Sets the device type and browser.
The default value is desktop.
callback_url URL to your callback endpoint.

Response codes

Below are the most common response codes you can encounter using Web Scraper API. Please contact technical support if you receive a code not found in our documentation.

Response Error message Description
200 OK All went well.
202 Accepted Your request was accepted.
204 No content You’re trying to retrieve a job that hasn’t been completed yet.
400 Multiple error messages Wrong request structure. Could be a misspelled parameter or an invalid value. The response body will have a more specific error message.
401 Authorization header not provided / Invalid authorization header / Client not found Missing authorization header or incorrect login credentials.
403 Forbidden Your account doesn't have access to this resource.
404 Not found The job ID you're looking for is no longer available.
422 Unprocessable entity There's something wrong with the payload. Make sure it's a valid JSON object.
429 Too many requests Exceeded rate limit. Please contact your account manager to increase limits.
500 Internal server error We're facing technical issues, please retry later. We may already be aware, but feel free to report it anyway.
524 Timeout Service unavailable.
612 Undefined internal error Job submission failed. Retry at no extra cost with faulted jobs, or reach out to us for assistance.
613 Faulted after too many retries Job submission failed. Retry at no extra cost with faulted jobs, or reach out to us for assistance.

Using API features

Web Scraper API has a range of smart built-in features.

  1. Web Crawler lets you crawl any website, select useful content, and have it delivered in bulk. The tool can discover all pages on a website and fetch data from them at scale and in real-time. Read more for tech details.

  2. Scheduler automates recurring web scraping and parsing jobs by scheduling them. You can schedule at any interval – every minute, every five minutes, hourly, daily, every two days, and so on. With Scheduler, you don’t need to repeat requests with the same parameters. Read more for tech details.

  3. Custom Parser lets you get structured data from any website. You can parse data with the help of XPath and CSS expressions. With Custom Parser, you can take the necessary information from the HTML and convert it into a readable format.
    Read more for tech details.

  4. OxyCopilot is an AI-driven web scraping assistant designed to generate API scraping requests and custom parsing instructions using plain English language. It identifies complex parsing patterns on any website and eliminates the need for manual coding, significantly accelerating and simplifying web scraping and parsing tasks. You can access OxyCopilot through the dashboard. Read more for tech details.

  5. Cloud integration allows you to get your data delivered to a preferred cloud storage bucket, whether it's AWS S3 or GCS. This eliminates the need for additional requests to fetch results – data goes directly to your cloud storage. Read more for tech details.

  6. Headless Browser enables you to interact with a web page, imitate organic user behavior, and efficiently render JavaScript. You don't need to develop and maintain your own headless browser solution, so you can save time and resources on more critical tasks. Read more for tech details.

Dashboard statistics

In the Oxylabs dashboard, you can follow your usage. Within the Statistics section, you’ll be able to see total statistics or categorized by domain. Filters include rendered/non-rendered, domains, users, increased speed, and scraper data. Additionally, you can filter your usage data based on the past 90 days.

Additional resources

You can try Web Scraper API for free for a week with 5K results. If you have any questions, please contact us via the live chat or email us at

For more tutorials and tips on all things web data extraction, stay engaged:

Frequently asked questions

What are Web Scraper API rate limits?

Every user account has a rate limit corresponding to their monthly subscription plan. The rate limit should be more than enough based on the expected volume of scraping jobs.

How to download images using Web Scraper API?

You can download images either by saving the output to the image extension when using the Proxy Endpoint integration method or passing the content_encoding parameter when using the Push-Pull or Realtime integration methods.

Can I get a free trial for Web Scraper API?

Yes, with the free trial, you’ll get 5,000 results for a week.

What are the pricing options of Web Scraper API?

You can choose a plan suited for small businesses and large enterprises, starting from $49/month.

How does billing for Web Scraper API work?

Billing depends on the number of successful results. Failed attempts with an error from our side won’t affect your bills.

About the author

Augustas Pelakauskas

Senior Copywriter

Augustas Pelakauskas is a Senior Copywriter at Oxylabs. Coming from an artistic background, he is deeply invested in various creative ventures - the most recent one being writing. After testing his abilities in the field of freelance journalism, he transitioned to tech content creation. When at ease, he enjoys sunny outdoors and active recreation. As it turns out, his bicycle is his fourth best friend.

All information on Oxylabs Blog is provided on an "as is" basis and for informational purposes only. We make no representation and disclaim all liability with respect to your use of any information contained on Oxylabs Blog or any third-party websites that may be linked therein. Before engaging in scraping activities of any kind you should consult your legal advisors and carefully read the particular website's terms of service or receive a scraping license.

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