Glen De Cauwsemaecker

Senior Lead Crawler Engineer at OTA Insight

Glen De Cauwsemaecker is the Senior Lead Crawler Engineer at OTA Insight (around 465 employees, of which 92 engineers). With over 11 years of experience, he drives the technical roadmap and innovation with a team of 4 other engineers. Besides researching, developing, and maintaining crawlers, he also maintains and creates new projects related to proxy/networking services, backend services, libraries, automated browser solutions, fingerprinting, tooling, and a trivia of cross-platform and language agnostic reverse engineering activities.

Learn more about Glen's presentation:

Open-Source Technology for Extracting High-Quality Data at Scale

Data extraction is a world of choices. What kind of proxy do I need? Should I use a browser, no browser, or something in between? Do I need to evaluate JavaScript? There are millions of configurations that can impact the performance of your operations. In this talk, Glen will guide you through solutions that he and his team have built on top of open-source technology. He’ll guide you through the choices they made to build a solution that extracts high-quality data at scale. Join in this talk to understand:

  • What choices do I need to make for scraping, and how do I know what’s right for me?

  • How to extract data from high-value targets without a browser?

  • What are some of the best technologies that exist out there?

  • Which topics should I study to prepare for my future projects?