Best practices

  • Use specific and unique CSS selectors to ensure that the locator targets the correct element efficiently.

  • Prefer text selectors for buttons and links to make tests more readable and maintainable, as they mimic user interactions.

  • Utilize XPath for navigating complex DOM structures or when needing to perform more advanced element searches.

  • Combine selectors strategically to refine element targeting, especially in dynamic web pages where elements might change frequently.

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

# Start Playwright
with sync_playwright() as p:
browser = p.chromium.launch()
page = browser.new_page()

# Navigate to the target page

# Using CSS selectors
product_name = page.locator('css=.product-name').text_content()
print('Product Name:', product_name)

# Using text selectors
add_to_cart_button = page.locator('text=Add to Cart').click()

# Using XPath selectors
price = page.locator('xpath=//div[@class="price"]').text_content()
print('Price:', price)

# Combining selectors
description = page.locator('.description >> text=More Info').text_content()
print('Description:', description)

# Close browser

Common issues

  • Ensure that Playwright locators are updated if the structure of the web page changes, as stale selectors can cause tests to fail.

  • Regularly verify that locators are unique and do not inadvertently select multiple elements, which can lead to ambiguous interactions.

  • Use Playwright's auto-wait feature by default to handle elements that might take time to appear or become interactable, avoiding flaky tests.

  • Debug locator issues by using Playwright's inspector tool to visualize and test selectors directly in the browser.

# Incorrect: Using a non-unique selector that might match multiple elements
button = page.locator('button').click()

# Correct: Using a unique selector to ensure the correct element is targeted
button = page.locator('button#submit').click()

# Incorrect: Assuming element is immediately available without waiting
product_details = page.locator('div.product-details').text_content()

# Correct: Using auto-wait to ensure element is loaded and interactable
product_details = page.locator('div.product-details').wait_for(state='visible').text_content()

# Incorrect: Using a hardcoded XPath that is brittle and likely to break with UI changes
login_button = page.locator('xpath=/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/button').click()

# Correct: Using a more robust and readable CSS selector or relative XPath
login_button = page.locator('css=button.login').click()

# Incorrect: Not checking if the locator matches any element, leading to potential errors
price = page.locator('div.price').text_content()

# Correct: First check if the locator finds any element before proceeding
if page.locator('div.price').count() > 0:
price = page.locator('div.price').text_content()
print("Price element not found")

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