Use specific and unique CSS selectors to ensure that the locator targets the correct element efficiently.
Prefer text selectors for buttons and links to make tests more readable and maintainable, as they mimic user interactions.
Utilize XPath for navigating complex DOM structures or when needing to perform more advanced element searches.
Combine selectors strategically to refine element targeting, especially in dynamic web pages where elements might change frequently.
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright # Start Playwright with sync_playwright() as p: browser = p.chromium.launch() page = browser.new_page() # Navigate to the target page page.goto('') # Using CSS selectors product_name = page.locator('css=.product-name').text_content() print('Product Name:', product_name) # Using text selectors add_to_cart_button = page.locator('text=Add to Cart').click() # Using XPath selectors price = page.locator('xpath=//div[@class="price"]').text_content() print('Price:', price) # Combining selectors description = page.locator('.description >> text=More Info').text_content() print('Description:', description) # Close browser browser.close()
Ensure that Playwright locators are updated if the structure of the web page changes, as stale selectors can cause tests to fail.
Regularly verify that locators are unique and do not inadvertently select multiple elements, which can lead to ambiguous interactions.
Use Playwright's auto-wait feature by default to handle elements that might take time to appear or become interactable, avoiding flaky tests.
Debug locator issues by using Playwright's inspector tool to visualize and test selectors directly in the browser.
# Incorrect: Using a non-unique selector that might match multiple elements button = page.locator('button').click() # Correct: Using a unique selector to ensure the correct element is targeted button = page.locator('button#submit').click() # Incorrect: Assuming element is immediately available without waiting product_details = page.locator('div.product-details').text_content() # Correct: Using auto-wait to ensure element is loaded and interactable product_details = page.locator('div.product-details').wait_for(state='visible').text_content() # Incorrect: Using a hardcoded XPath that is brittle and likely to break with UI changes login_button = page.locator('xpath=/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/button').click() # Correct: Using a more robust and readable CSS selector or relative XPath login_button = page.locator('css=button.login').click() # Incorrect: Not checking if the locator matches any element, leading to potential errors price = page.locator('div.price').text_content() # Correct: First check if the locator finds any element before proceeding if page.locator('div.price').count() > 0: price = page.locator('div.price').text_content() else: print("Price element not found")
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