Use specific attribute selectors when possible to improve the accuracy and robustness of your element targeting, such as `data-test-id` or `role`.
Combine CSS selectors and text selectors to refine element targeting and handle dynamic content more effectively.
Utilize Playwright's auto-wait feature by relying on `page.locator` to automatically wait for elements to be visible before interacting with them.
When using XPath, ensure it is as concise as possible and avoid absolute paths to maintain selector resilience against changes in the DOM structure.
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright # Start Playwright with sync_playwright() as p: browser = p.chromium.launch() page = browser.new_page() # Navigate to the target website page.goto('') # Select element by CSS selector product_name = page.locator('css=.product-name').text_content() print('Product Name:', product_name) # Select element by text content add_to_cart_button = page.locator('text=Add to Cart').click() # Select element by ID product_price = page.locator('id=price').text_content() print('Product Price:', product_price) # Use XPath to select element description = page.locator('xpath=//div[@class="description"]').text_content() print('Description:', description) # Close the browser browser.close()
Leverage Playwright's role selector to target elements based on their accessibility roles, enhancing both test stability and readability.
Experiment with chaining selectors in Playwright to navigate complex DOM structures more efficiently, such as `page.locator('.container >> .item')`.
Utilize the `:visible` pseudo-class in your selectors to ensure interactions only with elements that are actually visible to users.
When dealing with iframes, use `frameLocator` to directly target elements within the iframe, simplifying element access in nested structures.
# Incorrect: Using a generic role without specifying which element button = page.locator('role=button').click() # Correct: Specify the name to accurately target the element button = page.locator('role=button[name="Submit"]').click() # Incorrect: Trying to access nested elements without chaining item = page.locator('.container .item').first() # Correct: Use chaining to clearly define the relationship and scope item = page.locator('.container >> .item').first() # Incorrect: Interacting with elements that might not be visible page.locator('button.submit').click() # Correct: Ensure the element is visible before interaction page.locator('button.submit:visible').click() # Incorrect: Directly accessing elements inside an iframe without frameLocator innerButton = page.locator('#iframe >> css=button').click() # Correct: Use frameLocator to handle elements within iframes properly frame = page.frame_locator('#iframe') innerButton = frame.locator('css=button').click()
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