Hello, I’m Gabija Fatenaite

Director of Product & Event Marketing at Oxylabs

Gabija Fatenaite is a Director of Product & Event Marketing at Oxylabs. Having grown up on video games and the internet, she grew to find the tech side of things more and more interesting over the years. So if you ever find yourself wanting to learn more about proxies (or video games), feel free to contact her - she’ll be more than happy to answer you.

is web scraping legal visuals

Is Web Scraping Legal?

Learn how various legal frameworks affect scraping today and what web scraping legal issues can one encounter when scraping certain websites.


9 min read

How to Scrape Job Postings in 2025

No matter how you'll be using job search aggregation data, data gathering requires good scraping solutions. In this blog post, we'll go over where to start, and which solutions work best.


7 min read

Web Scraping on a Large Scale for E-Commerce

Web Scraping on a Large Scale for E-Commerce (Ultimate Guide)

This white paper aims to guide you through the process of large-scale data gathering with an emphasis on e-commerce.


1 min read

What Is Parsing of Data?

In this article we’ll dig a little deeper on what is data parsing, and discuss whether building an in-house data parser is more beneficial to a business, or is it better to outsource a data parser.


6 min read

Web Crawler vs Web Scraper: The Differences

Data scraping has become the ultimate tool for business development with a significant influence in nearly any business area. With this article, we're covering the intricacies of data scraping in greater detail.


6 min read

Web Scraping with Selenium and Python

Learn how the fundamentals of web scraping work by using Selenium, one of the better known tools for automating web browser interactions.


8 min read

How to Detect and Stop Bot Traffic? Techniques and Tips

How to Detect and Stop Bot Traffic? Techniques and Tips

To detect bot traffic, websites have created various bot detection techniques. Learn how websites detect and block bot traffic, and how it can affect businesses.


7 min read

Dedicated IP vs Shared IP

When it comes to hiding your identity online, using proxies is a great way to stay anonymous and keep your real IP address hidden. In this article, you’ll get an answer to the question, why dedicated proxies are usually better than shared ones.


4 min read

Web Unblocker Vs Self-Managed Proxies

Web Unblocker Vs Self-Managed Proxies

We gathered great minds and put hundreds of hours to create an advanced AI-powered proxy solution – Web Unblocker! Learn more in this blog post where we compare it with self-managed proxies.


4 min read

Scraping Product Information: Static vs Rotating Proxies

Learn all about static vs. rotating proxies, sticky IP addresses, and proxy implications in product information scraping at large scale in this blog post.


5 min read

6 Web Scraping Project Ideas to Sharpen Your Skills

Planning a project on web scraping and don’t know where to start? Learn how proxies come into play when project planning for web scraping in our most recent article.


8 min read

Puppeteer Tutorial: Scraping With a Headless Browser

Web scraping and automation with JavaScript has evolved a lot in recent years. There are a few methods to accessing and parsing web pages, but in this tutorial we will be covering how to do it with Puppeteer.


7 min read

lxml Tutorial: XML Processing and Web Scraping With lxml visuals

lxml Tutorial: XML Processing and Web Scraping With lxml

Go through the basics of creating XML documents and jump onto processing XML and HTML documents in this Python lxml tutorial.


6 min read

Business Leads Scraper: What Do You Need To Know?

Building your tools to generate leads can be a lot more cost-efficient, and using web scraping is one of the most optimal ways to generate leads for your business. In this article, we'll go through the process of web scraping for lead generation and where to start.


3 min read

Manage Your Datacenter Proxies Via Datacenter Proxy API

From now on, you can access and manage your Datacenter Proxies via our Datacenter Proxy API! With it, you can replace your IPs from a specific subnet in your existing proxy list.


1 min read

Building Price Scraping Tools: Picking the Best Proxies

What are price scrapers? Why is it essential for e-commerce businesses, and what tools should they be using? Find all about it in our new article.


6 min read

Oxylabs Webinar: Web Scraping From a Legal Perspective

Watch our free legal webinar! We aim to help those who perhaps do not have a legal team to maneuver public data gathering roads.


2 min read

socks5-proxies logo

Are SOCKS5 Proxies Secure Enough for Your Business Needs?

In this article, we will expand upon what is SOCKS5, and why they might not be the best choice from a security perspective.


4 min read

CTO's Checklist: 6 Things to Know About Web Scraping

It is always nice to have a checklist of things to do to get your project running as smoothly as possible. This checklist will help you figure out what resources you need and how web scraping projects look like.


6 min read

What is Alternative Data?

What is alternative data? Well, in the following article, we’ll answer each of these questions and go in-depth on how this sort of data can be effectively gathered.


5 min read