Main causes

  • Client device has not authenticated with the network using required credentials.

  • Terms and conditions of network access have not been accepted by the user.

  • User interaction required for network access has not been completed.

  • MAC address of the client device is not recognized or authorized by the network system.

# Request example 
curl -X GET -H 'Accept: text/html' -H 'Accept-Encoding: compress' -H 'User-Agent: AppleWebKit/537.36'

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Common fixes

  • Check if the network requires registration or acceptance of terms and complete the necessary steps.

  • Ensure your device is properly connected to the network that requires authentication.

  • Update your browser or network client to the latest version to support required authentication protocols.

  • Contact the network administrator for guidance on how to authenticate or resolve connectivity issues.

# Response example 
HTTP/1.1 511 Network Authentication Required
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Encoding: compress

511 Network Authentication Required

Network Authentication Required

You need to authenticate to access this network.

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