11,074,560 IPs
Optimize your scraping operations with United States proxy servers and reach your target websites efficiently! Get access to over 11 million Residential and Dedicated USA proxies all over the country.
Unlimited concurrent sessions
No bandwidth limitations
Ethically procured proxies
Free-of-charge targeting
Residential Proxies
With Residential US proxies, you can collect public data from almost any website in the country without being blocked.
Get access to geo-restricted content
Collect a large number of public data
Forget about IP blocks
Best for:
Review monitoring, ad verification, travel fare aggregation, cybersecurity
Dedicated Datacenter Proxies
Perform heavy-duty scraping projects at high speed and performance with US private proxies.
City and state-level targeting
Unlimited sessions, bandwidth, and targets
Exceptional speeds with avg. 99.9% uptime
Best for:
Market research, brand protection, email protection, cybersecurity.
Mobile Proxies
Bypass geo-restrictions effortlessly with high-quality and reliable mobile proxy in the USA.
Country, state, city, and ASN targeting
1.1 s market leading response time
Avg. 99.9% uptime for high-performance
Best for:
Ad verification, review monitoring, market research.
SOCKS5 Proxies
Use the flexibility of Oxylabs’ SOCKS5 Proxies to perform traffic-intensive data gathering while avoiding blocks.
Unlimited concurrent sessions
Free advanced targeting: ASN, ZIP, city, state, country
Market highest uptime of 99.9%
Best for:
Video streaming, live calls, traffic-intensive data gathering.
City | IP count | Protocols | IP version | Bandwidth |
Charlotte | 70144 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
New York | 62114 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Los Angeles | 38388 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Seattle | 25998 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Las Vegas | 23721 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Wilmington | 22176 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
San Jose | 19318 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
New Haven | 16240 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Chicago | 15221 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Washington | 13206 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Oxylabs’ American proxy servers are easy to integrate with various third-party software, such as proxy IP address management tools for browsers. For a hassle-free integration process, we have created tutorials in our developer-friendly documentation. Get our proxies, and be sure that you won’t need to deal with complex integrations.
With a large number of US proxies, you can quickly connect to the data sources using your automated web scraping script. US proxies allow you to collect public information from websites without surpassing the request limit or being identified by anti-scraping software. However, if you’re one of those who don’t want to go through the hassle of managing proxies, check out our ready-to-use scraping solution – Web Scraper API.
At Oxylabs, we aim to expand our resources to meet even the most demanding business needs. As a result, we’re constantly increasing our residential and datacenter proxy pools. We also grow the number of different types of US proxies, such as SOCKS5, HTTP(S), ISP Proxies, and many more.
Improve your public web scraping projects with Oxylabs’ US proxy servers from an ethically obtained Residential Proxy pool. Oxylabs provides one of the largest US Residential Proxy pools in the market. Overcome geo-location blocks without a hassle.
Ethically sourced proxies
Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies come from legitimate sources and stands out with high quality
Reliable infrastructure
Our professional team always ensure high uptime of Residential Proxies
Scaling your web scraping project in a limited number of concurrent sessions can be challenging. Thanks to Oxylabs’ Dedicated Datacenter Proxies, no limits will be set for your sessions, avoiding bandwidth or target limits. Dedicated USA proxy servers are also a widely affordable public data gathering solution. They are a perfect fit for brand protection, market research, and other business use cases.
Zero bandwidth or target limits
Unlimited concurrent sessions
Cost-efficient solution
Oxylabs' Mobile Proxies are known as one of the fastest in the market. With country, city, state, and ASN targeting Oxylabs' USA mobile proxy will help you to overcome even the most challenging geo-restrictions. Complete your public web scraping jobs faster and more efficiently with Oxylabs' Mobile Proxies.
High uptime
Market leading response time
Pre-selected and tested proxies
Explore the power of SOCKS5 protocol that supports both Oxylabs’ Residential and Dedicated Datacenter Proxies. SOCKS5 US proxies are suitable for any traffic-intensive tasks, such as web scraping, live calls, video streaming, and ensure successful access to the needed targets without any blocks.
One of the largest 102M+ proxy pool
UDP/TCP connection
Perfect for traffic-intensive tasks
Review monitoring
Leverage Oxylabs' robust and reliable Residential IPs in the US to oversee reviews globally without encountering IP limitations.
Travel fare aggregation
Get Residential Proxies to collect real-time regional data and supply your clients with only fresh and relevant travel deals.
Brand protection
Use Oxylabs premium Datacenter Proxies to gather data about counterfeit sites or domain squatting to safeguard your brand.
Oxylabs' Residential and Datacenter proxies stand out for their exceptional speed and reliability, earning widespread praise from customers for unmatched quality and performance.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.
You can purchase US proxies from various proxy providers. For example, we offer one of the largest US Residential Proxy pools with reliable 11,074,560 IP addresses. We also provide US state-level targeting, so you can get proxies from specific states, such as Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Florida, California, Massachusetts, and others. Contact our sales team for more information if you're interested in using a US proxy.
A US proxy is an IP address located in the United States that acts as an intermediary between you and the internet. These IP addresses allow you to access publicly-available information while preserving complete anonymity online.
You should understand that there is no simple answer to this question because it depends on whether the scraping does not breach any laws surrounding the required data. We suggest you get professional legal advice before starting using proxies for your web scraping projects.
You can also check our article on the topic: Is web scraping legal?
No matter the proxy provider you utilize, you should be able to easily find information about your current proxy. For instance, after subscribing to a plan with Oxylabs, you’ll get access to a convenient dashboard containing all the necessary information about your proxy.
Free US proxies are used to bypass geo-restrictions, improve online security, etc. However, a free United State proxy server usually is dangerous because of the privacy and security risks. Of course, finding a reliable proxy service provider may take some time but, in most cases, paid proxies usually come from reliable sources.
Proxies usually need to be manually enabled every time you want to use one. However, you can save some time by adding US proxies through your Chrome proxy settings.
We have a tutorial on how to use a proxy in Chrome, so don’t forget to check it out.
Residential proxies originating from the USA offer notable benefits compared to datacenter proxies. It includes real ISP IPs allocated to residential users with unrestricted bandwidth instead of being blocked for server use. Also, precise targeting – these proxies are accessible for each US city, state, and zip code.
Oxylabs' proxies work seamlessly with a wide range of software platforms and tools, including operating systems and browser extensions. Discover our detailed integration tutorials and find out how to configure your proxies.
Scale up your business with Oxylabs®