How to scrape Redfin real estate data

Scrape real estate data from the Redfin website effortlessly by simply providing fully formed target URLs to our service. For your convenience, we can return public information in HTML format of any Redfin page you like. To understand how the output will look, see the sample of a Redfin page on the right.

  "results": [
      "created_at": "2019-10-01 00:00:01",
      "updated_at": "2019-10-01 00:00:15",
      "id": null,
      "page": 1,
      "url": "",
      "job_id": "12345678900987654321",
      "status_code": 200

“If any company deserves five stars, it's Oxylabs. They provide excellent service, and they really go the extra mile for their customers. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of their team, and they're the nicest people you'll ever meet.”

Chris Coleman

Oxylabs products user

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Oxylabs’ main goal is to help our customers achieve the best results with our web scraping solutions. Our customer support team will help you in every step of the way to ensure you get the guidance and resources you need.


Optimize Redfin data collection with OxyCopilot

OxyCopilot, an integral feature of Web Scraper API, is an AI-powered assistant designed to auto-generate codes for scraping requests and parsing instructions, without the need of manual coding:

  • Open Scraper API Playground

  • Input your prompt

  • Receive ready-to-use code

24/7 support and handy features

In-depth tutorials

Check our extensive documentation or demo video for a detailed integration guide.

No proxy management

Our Redfin data API automatically employs Oxylabs’ 102M+ proxy pool.

Bulk scraping

Collect public information from up to 5,000 URLs simultaneously.

Multiple delivery options

Retrieve results via API or upload them to your Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Highly scalable

Easy to integrate, customize & supports a high volume of requests.

24/7 support

Get answers to your questions and assistance from our support team  any time.

Smart scraping with API features

Custom Parser

Custom Parser

Write your own parsing instructions and leverage our infrastructure to collect parsed data from any target hassle-free.

  • No need to maintain your own parser

  • Define your own parsing logic with XPath and CSS selectors

  • Collect ready-to-use structured data from Redfin

Web Crawler

Unlock the power of our Web Crawler feature to explore every page on Redfin and efficiently gather data at scale and in real time.

  • Gather only the data you need from target websites

  • Control the crawling scope and tailor the end result

  • Retrieve your results in a specified format


Leverage our Scheduler feature to automate recurring scraping and parsing jobs by scheduling them whenever needed.

  • Create multiple schedules for different jobs

  • Receive data automatically to your preferred cloud storage

  • Get notifications once each job is done

Redfin Scraper API pricing

Gather data from Redfin effortlessly


Pay only for successful results

Gather highly-localized data

Receive scraping know-how

Don’t miss out

Free trial


1 week trial





$49 + VAT billed monthly




$99 + VAT billed monthly




$249 + VAT billed monthly





Rate Limit

10 requests / s

50 requests / s
50 requests / s
50 requests / s
Premium Proxies
AI-Powered Web Scraping
JavaScript Rendering
Dedicated Account Manager

10% off

Yearly plans discount

For all our plans by paying yearly. Contact sales team to learn more.

We accept these payment methods:

Frequently asked questions

Can you scrape Redfin?

Collecting publicly available information from Redfin, such as location, property size, rooms, price, parking spaces, etc., is considered legal as long as you follow all the rules and regulations, including robots.txt file of the website. Still, it would be best to get professional legal advice before gathering public data to ensure you're not breaking any laws. To delve deeper into web scraping legality, check out our detailed article on this topic.

How do I extract public data from Redfin?

You can manually extract specific publicly available home data into an excel spreadsheet from the Redfin website. However, there are limits when downloading information from their website. If you need to gather large amounts of public data, we suggest you try Oxylabs’ Web Scraper API.

Learn how to extract real estate data from Redfin using our API.

Does Redfin have an API?

No, Redfin doesn’t have an API that lets you gather public data from their website. Oxylabs, on the other hand, offers a Web Scraper API that is capable of collecting large amounts of public real estate data from the Redfin website. Follow the link to learn more about our web scraper.

How quickly does Oxylabs’ Redfin Scraper API deliver results?

In most cases, the Redfin API takes up to 10 seconds to deliver results. Contact your dedicated account manager or our support team for more detailed information about results delivery.

Is there a rate limit for Redfin data API?

Yes, the rate limits for the Redfin data API vary depending on the plan. During the free trial, users are allowed 5 requests per second. For the micro plan, the limit is increased to 10 requests per second. Custom plans offer the flexibility of unlimited requests based on individual requirements and agreements.