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Oxylabs AI-driven Solution Listed as Baltic Sustainability Awards Finalist

Oxylabs has been recognized in the “Impact” category and is a finalist in the “Social Initiatives” subcategory for its work in fighting illegal content (incl. child sexual abuse and pornography) online.

Gabija Birgile


2 min read

What Is a Distorting Proxy & How Does It Work?

Discover all the basics about distorting proxies. Use cases, advantages and drawbacks, and risks of using free distorting proxies.

Yelyzaveta Nechytailo


5 min read

Scraping Experts: SEO Monitoring for a Thriving Business

New Scraping Experts video lesson on hassle-free SEO monitoring with Python, Celery, and SERP Scraper API.

Enrika Pavlovskytė


2 min read

Guide to Using Google Sheets for Basic Web Scraping

In this guide, you will learn how to scrape websites using Google Sheets, and you will find out about the functions in use and how to fix common errors.

Vytenis Kaubrė


9 min read

Guide to Extracting Website Data by Using Excel VBA

Follow a detailed tutorial of extracting website data by using Excel VBA as well as understand the main advantages and disadvantages of this scraping technique.

Yelyzaveta Nechytailo


5 min read

What is a Transparent Proxy & How is It Used?

Learn about transparent proxies, their functionalities, business applications, and detection methods.

Enrika Pavlovskytė


5 min read


Web Scraping With PowerShell: The Ultimate Guide

Follow this PowerShell web scraping tutorial to build your own tool for public data acquisition.

Roberta Aukstikalnyte


8 min read

What Is an ETL Pipeline?

ETL stands for extract, transform, and load. It’s an independent three-stage process that moves data from one source(s) to a database and is crucial for modern day anlysis.

Danielius Radavicius


5 min read

Alternative Data Defines Competition in the US & UK Ecommerce Sectors

Free White Paper: Alternative Data Defines Competition in the US & UK Ecommerce Sectors

Read our whitepaper that outlines the results of a US & UK decision maker survey on the usage of alternative data and web scraping in their daily operations

Adomas Sulcas


1 min read

Screen Scraping: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Find out what screen scraping is and how it works. Learn the difference between web scraping and screen scraping.

Vytenis Kaubrė


5 min read

How to Rotate Proxies in Python

How to Rotate Proxies in Python

A beginner-friendly guide for rotating proxies using Python.

Roberta Aukstikalnyte


5 min read

How to Run Python Script as a Service (Windows & Linux)

From Linux daemons to Windows services, this guide will detail the process of setting up Python script as a service in a few simple steps.

Augustas Pelakauskas


5 min read

Oxylabs Attends Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit

We're excited to sponsor and participate live in the Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit. Don't miss out and participate in one of the largest data-focused conferences worldwide!

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

Oxylabs Acquires Webshare Software Company

Oxylabs furthers industry leadership by acquiring US-based Webshare Software Company.

Adomas Sulcas


1 min read

OxyCon 2022: The Top Takeaways From Day Two

See what the second day of the conference was all about and take note of all the important highlights you might have missed.

Yelyzaveta Nechytailo


4 min read

OxyCon 2022: The Top Takeaways From Day One

Find out the core talking points during the first day of our annual 2022 OxyCon conference and see in more detail what topics were covered.

Danielius Radavicius


7 min read

6 Web Scraping Project Ideas to Sharpen Your Skills

Planning a project on web scraping and don’t know where to start? Learn how proxies come into play when project planning for web scraping in our most recent article.

Gabija Fatenaite


8 min read

How to Continuously Yield High Quality Data | Interview with Glen De Cauwsemaecker

As part of the combined efforts of Oxylabs and OTA Insight to shed light on the developments in the web scraping industry, we sat down with Glen De Cauwsemaeker, the Lead Crawler Engineer at OTA Insight, to talk about the challenges when scaling data acquisition solutions.

Glen De Cauwsemaecker


10 min read

2 Weeks Until OxyCon So Hurry Up and Register!

Only two weeks left up until, OxyCon, the two-day virtual event, starts. Find out more about what awaits within the conference and don't hesitate to register, there isn't much time left!

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

Web Scraping with Rust

In this practical tutorial, you'll learn how to create a web scraper using Rust and collect public product data from an e-commerce website.

Maryia Stsiopkina


6 min read

Data Pipeline Architecture Explained

Data Pipeline Architecture Explained

Learn what a data pipeline architecture is, why it's important for businesses and how to build one.

Roberta Aukstikalnyte


5 min read

Automated Web Scraper With Python & Windows Task Scheduler

In this article, you’ll learn how to set up Windows Task Scheduler to schedule a Python web scraping script automatically & periodically.

Augustas Pelakauskas


5 min read

Automating Web Scraping With Python and Cron

If you're curious about how to automate your web scraping projects with Python and cron, then check out this dedicated tutorial for more information.

Danielius Radavicius


6 min read

OxyCon 2022 Agenda is Live - How to Get the Most Out of the Event

This year's OxyCon has already garnered attention from every corner of the data gathering industry. Now is the time to reveal what's in store during our two-day event on September 7-8th.

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

Marketplace SEO: How to Improve Your SERP Rankings with Data

The success of your SEO strategy will likely depend entirely on how accurately you follow a specific marketplace’s regulations and in what ways you stand out.

Danielius Radavicius


7 min read

Machine Learning: The Driving Force of Web Scraping | OxyCast #6

A brand new episode of OxyCast is live! This time, our favorite host Augustinas Kalvis (Software Developer), and a special guest Jurijus Gorskovas (Machine Learning Engineer), delve deeper into the world of Machine Learning! Watch it to understand the details of machine learning and how it can make web scraping processes more efficient.

Iveta Vistorskyte


3 min read

The Second Mover’s Advantage

Businesses are complex, and both first and second movers encounter unique difficulties and advantages. If you're interested in how these advantages relate to web scraping, check this out!

Julius Cerniauskas


4 min read

Data Quality Metrics You Should Track and Measure

Learn more about how to effectively track and measure data quality with the help of this detailed blog post

Yelyzaveta Nechytailo


5 min read

Scraping experts

Brand New Lessons on Everything Data Gathering

Data gathering is a rather tricky field; therefore, getting advice and lessons from people who have worked at the top of the industry for years is unparalleled.

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

Why You Shouldn't Use Free Proxies - Risks & Reasons

Free proxies are an attractive yet often unsafe solution. Its limitations, security issues, and recommendations are all discussed within the article.

Danielius Radavicius


6 min read

How to Estimate and Reduce Data Collection Costs

Let's take a look at the key factors influencing data acquisition costs, and discuss ways to reduce these expenses.

Maryia Stsiopkina


7 min read

Oxylabs Listed as Global Good Awards Finalist

Oxylabs was listed as Global Good Awards Finalist for its joint pro bono project with the CRA to detect illegal content online with a unique AI-powered web scraping solution.

Gabija Birgile


1 min read

Oxylabs Cooperates with CODE

Oxylabs partnered with the University of Michigan, ranked as the No.1 public university in the United States, and School of Information professor Christopher Brooks to share expertise in the field of ethical web scraping.

Gabija Birgile


2 min read

Real-Time Online Media Monitoring Infrastructure

This white paper will walk you through the critical stages of the online media monitoring process.

Maryia Stsiopkina


1 min read

Building a Competitor Intelligence System for E-Commerce

The primary focus of the white paper is to provide an action chain for a competitor intelligence system, from data collection to parsing, with various tips, guidelines, and explanations of the most critical processes.

Danielius Radavicius


1 min read

Web Scraping on a Large Scale for E-Commerce (Ultimate Guide)

This white paper aims to guide you through the process of large-scale data gathering with an emphasis on e-commerce.

Gabija Fatenaite


1 min read

OxyCon 2022: Leading-Edge Conference in All Things Web Scraping

Don’t forget to save your seat at OxyCon 2022, September 7-8, to join discussions on the most relevant and recently encountered topics of public data gathering! Just like last year, the 2 day virtual event will feature discussions from a plethora of industry-leading guests.

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

How to Make HTTP Requests in Node.js With Fetch API

A step-by-step tutorial on making HTTP requests in Node.js with Fetch API, detailing the actionable code and a comparison to Axios.

Augustas Pelakauskas


5 min read

Oxylabs Forms a Pro-bono Partnership With the University of Michigan

Oxylabs partnered with the University of Michigan, ranked as the No.1 public university in the United States, and School of Information professor Christopher Brooks to share expertise in the field of ethical web scraping.

Gabija Birgile


3 min read

Hard Data vs. Soft Data

Hard Data vs. Soft Data: The Difference

While being so different, hard and soft data can complement one another in significant ways when it comes to business data analysis and forecasting. Read this blog post to learn more.

Maryia Stsiopkina


7 min read

Proxies for Web Scraping: a Complete Guide | OxyCast #5

In the 5th episode of our podcast, OxyCast host and Software Engineer Augustinas Kalvis will be talking to Mindaugas Dunderis about proxies and how they go hand-in-hand with public data scraping.

Roberta Aukstikalnyte


2 min read

New Cost-Effective Proxy Solution: Introducing Shared Datacenter Proxies

As of today, our Datacenter Proxies are represented by two solutions: Shared and Dedicated Datacenter Proxies. As a customer, two distinct products will allow you to increase the effectiveness of public data collection processes by providing more flexibility in making a choice.

Augustas Pelakauskas


2 min read

Free White Paper: Alternative Data Unlocks Key Decisions in the UK And US Finance Industries

Oxylabs, in cooperation with Censuswide, has surveyed over 1000 senior decision makers in the finance industry. Find out how alternative data and web scraping has changed finance.

Adomas Sulcas


1 min read

Web Scraping With RegEx

RegEx stands for Regular Expressions, a method to match specific patterns depending on the provided combinations, which can be used as filters to get the desired output.

Augustas Pelakauskas


3 min read

Scaling: Overcoming Your Limits | OxyCast #4

At one point or another, any scaling or coding project will run into the issue of scaling and how to effectively do it. In the 4th episode of OxyCast, we will explore topics such as horizontal vs. vertical scaling, bottleneck avoidance, and many others!

Danielius Radavicius


2 min read

Empowering the Lithuanian Public Sector in the Mission for a Cleaner Internet

The internet is full of illegal and harmful content, which can be hard to detect without the right tools. Web scraping is a perfect solution.

Erika Brazaityte


2 min read

Real-Time Price Monitoring System Architecture

This white paper provides an action chain for price monitoring, from collecting target URLs to data parsing, along with tips and explanations on the most important elements and processes.

Augustas Pelakauskas


1 min read

Data Parsing: The Basic, the Easy, and the Difficult | OxyCast #3

Parsing is an integral part of any web scraping activity that helps businesses get the data they need in the right format. In the third episode of OxyCast, we will dig deeper into data parsing and discuss such topics as easy vs. hard parsing, selectors, parser failures, and the future of parsing.

Yelyzaveta Nechytailo


2 min read


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